NB : Template ini hanya support pada Mozilla
Fitur :
- Resposive Template
- Emoticon Komentar
- Simple
- Homepage dengan Daftar isi dari DTE
- Social Widget di bagian Footer
- Selebihnya di cari sendiri yah :D
Tutorial Template :
Masukan kode dibawah ini di add new widget sob :
<div id='khusus-daftar-isi'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var showPostDate = true,
showComments = true,
idMode = true,
sortByLabel = false,
labelSorter = "",
loadingText = "Loading...",
totalPostLabel = "Jumlah posting:",
jumpPageLabel = "Halaman",
commentsLabel = "Komentar",
rmoreText = "Selengkapnya ►",
prevText = "Prev",
nextText = "Next",
siteUrl = "http://demo-minima-paper.blogspot.com/",
postsperpage = 8,
numchars = 150,
imgBlank = "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-11FkySHGB5Y/TpZ6SSbsF2I/AAAAAAAAA94/zK10UaL7jgo/s1600/images.jpeg";
<script type='text/javascript'>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Table of Content for Blogger with Pagination
// Original: http://vagabundia.blogspot.com/2011/04/resumen-de-entradas-con-paginacion.html
// Modified by Taufik Nurrohman
// On 3 March 2012
// Visit: http://hompimpaalaihumgambreng.blogspot.com
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var minpage = 4;
var maxpage = 10;
var firstPage = 0;
var pagernum = 0;
var postsnum = 0;
var actualpage = 1;
function showpageposts(_0xef2cx8) {
var _0xef2cx9, _0xef2cxa, _0xef2cxb, _0xef2cxc;
var _0xef2cxd = '';
if (pagernum == 0) {
postsnum = parseInt(_0xef2cx8['feed']['openSearch$totalResults'].$t);
pagernum = parseInt(postsnum / postsperpage) + 1;
for (var _0xef2cxe = 0; _0xef2cxe < postsperpage; _0xef2cxe++) {
if (_0xef2cxe == _0xef2cx8['feed']['entry']['length']) {
_0xef2cx9 = _0xef2cx8['feed']['entry'][_0xef2cxe];
_0xef2cxa = _0xef2cx9['title']['$t'];
for (var _0xef2cxf = 0; _0xef2cxf < _0xef2cx9['link']['length']; _0xef2cxf++) {
if (_0xef2cx9['link'][_0xef2cxf]['rel'] == 'alternate') {
_0xef2cxb = _0xef2cx9['link'][_0xef2cxf]['href'];
for (var _0xef2cx10 = 0; _0xef2cx10 < _0xef2cx9['link']['length']; _0xef2cx10++) {
if (_0xef2cx9['link'][_0xef2cx10]['rel'] == 'replies' && _0xef2cx9['link'][_0xef2cx10]['type'] == 'text/html') {
var _0xef2cx11 = _0xef2cx9['link'][_0xef2cx10]['title']['split'](' ')[0];
if ('content' in _0xef2cx9) {
var _0xef2cx12 = _0xef2cx9['content']['$t'];
} else {
if ('summary' in _0xef2cx9) {
var _0xef2cx12 = _0xef2cx9['summary']['$t'];
} else {
var _0xef2cx12 = '';
var _0xef2cx13 = /<\S[^>]*>/g;
_0xef2cx12 = _0xef2cx12['replace'](_0xef2cx13, '');
if (_0xef2cx12['length'] > numchars) {
_0xef2cx12 = _0xef2cx12['substring'](0, numchars) + '...';
var _0xef2cx14 = _0xef2cx9['published']['$t'],
_0xef2cx15 = _0xef2cx14['substring'](0, 4),
_0xef2cx16 = _0xef2cx14['substring'](5, 7),
_0xef2cx17 = _0xef2cx14['substring'](8, 10);
var _0xef2cx18 = new Array();
if (idMode) {
_0xef2cx18[1] = 'Jan';
_0xef2cx18[2] = 'Feb';
_0xef2cx18[3] = 'Mar';
_0xef2cx18[4] = 'Apr';
_0xef2cx18[5] = 'Mei';
_0xef2cx18[6] = 'Jun';
_0xef2cx18[7] = 'Jul';
_0xef2cx18[8] = 'Agt';
_0xef2cx18[9] = 'Sep';
_0xef2cx18[10] = 'Okt';
_0xef2cx18[11] = 'Nov';
_0xef2cx18[12] = 'Des';
} else {
_0xef2cx18[1] = 'Jan';
_0xef2cx18[2] = 'Feb';
_0xef2cx18[3] = 'Mar';
_0xef2cx18[4] = 'Apr';
_0xef2cx18[5] = 'May';
_0xef2cx18[6] = 'Jun';
_0xef2cx18[7] = 'Jul';
_0xef2cx18[8] = 'Aug';
_0xef2cx18[9] = 'Sep';
_0xef2cx18[10] = 'Oct';
_0xef2cx18[11] = 'Nov';
_0xef2cx18[12] = 'Dec';
var _0xef2cx19 = (showPostDate) ? _0xef2cx17 + ' ' + _0xef2cx18[parseInt(_0xef2cx16, 10)] + ' ' + _0xef2cx15 + ' - ' : '';
var _0xef2cx1a = (showComments) ? _0xef2cx11 + ' ' + commentsLabel : '';
if ('media$thumbnail' in _0xef2cx9) {
_0xef2cxc = _0xef2cx9['media$thumbnail']['url'];
} else {
_0xef2cxc = imgBlank;
_0xef2cxd += '<div class="itemposts">';
_0xef2cxd += '<h6><a title="' + _0xef2cxa + '" href="' +
_0xef2cxb + '" target="_blank">' + _0xef2cxa +
_0xef2cxd += '<div class="iteminside"><a title="' +
_0xef2cxa + '" href="' + _0xef2cxb + '" target="_blank"><img
alt="' + _0xef2cxa + '" src="' + _0xef2cxc + '" /></a>';
_0xef2cxd += _0xef2cx12 + '</div>';
_0xef2cxd += '<div style="clear:both;"></div><div
class="itemfoot">' + _0xef2cx19 + _0xef2cx1a + '<a
class="itemrmore" href="' + _0xef2cxb + '" target="_blank">' +
rmoreText + '</a></div>';
_0xef2cxd += '</div>';
document['getElementById']('results')['innerHTML'] = _0xef2cxd;
function halaman() {
countP = 0;
output = '';
if (actualpage > 1) {
output += '<a class="prevjson" href="javascript:incluirscript(' +
parseInt(actualpage - 1) + ')">' + prevText + '</a>';
} else {
output += '<span class="prevjson hidden">' + prevText + '</span>';
if (pagernum < (maxpage + 1)) {
for (countP = 1; countP <= pagernum; countP++) {
if (countP == actualpage) {
output += '<span class="actual">' + countP + '</span>';
} else {
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(' + countP + ')">' + countP + '</a>';
} else {
if (pagernum > (maxpage - 1)) {
if (actualpage < minpage) {
for (countP = 1; countP < (maxpage - 2); countP++) {
if (countP == actualpage) {
output += '<span class="actual">' + countP + '</span>';
} else {
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(' + countP + ')">' + countP + '</a>';
output += ' ... ';
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(' +
parseInt(pagernum - 1) + ')">' + parseInt(pagernum - 1) +
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(' + pagernum + ')">' + pagernum + '</a>';
} else {
if (pagernum - (minpage - 1) > actualpage && actualpage > (minpage - 1)) {
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(1)">1</a>';
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(2)">2</a>';
output += ' ... ';
for (countP = actualpage - 2; countP <= actualpage + 2; countP++) {
if (countP == actualpage) {
output += '<span class="actual">' + countP + '</span>';
} else {
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(' + countP + ')">' + countP + '</a>';
output += ' ... ';
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(' +
parseInt(pagernum - 1) + ')">' + parseInt(pagernum - 1) +
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(' + pagernum + ')">' + pagernum + '</a>';
} else {
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(1)">1</a>';
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(2)">2</a>';
output += ' ... ';
for (countP = pagernum - (minpage + 1); countP <= pagernum; countP++) {
if (countP == actualpage) {
output += '<span class="actual">' + countP + '</span>';
} else {
output += '<a href="javascript:incluirscript(' + countP + ')">' + countP + '</a>';
if (actualpage < countP - 1) {
output += '<a class="nextjson" href="javascript:incluirscript(' +
parseInt(actualpage + 1) + ')">' + nextText + '</a>';
} else {
output += '<span class="nextjson hidden">' + nextText + '</span>';
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var _0xef2cx1c = (actualpage * postsperpage) - (postsperpage - 1);
var _0xef2cx1d = actualpage * postsperpage;
var _0xef2cx1e = totalPostLabel + ' ' + postsnum + ' - ' + jumpPageLabel + ' ' + _0xef2cx1c + ' - ' + _0xef2cx1d;
document['getElementById']('totalposts')['innerHTML'] = _0xef2cx1e;
function incluirscript(_0xef2cx20) {
if (firstPage == 1) {
document['getElementById']('results')['innerHTML'] = '<div id="loadingscript">' + loadingText + '</div>';
document['getElementById']('halaman')['innerHTML'] = '';
document['getElementById']('totalposts')['innerHTML'] = '';
var _0xef2cx1c = (_0xef2cx20 * postsperpage) - (postsperpage - 1);
if (sortByLabel) {
var _0xef2cx21 = siteUrl + '/feeds/posts/default/-/' + labelSorter + '?start-index=' + _0xef2cx1c;
} else {
var _0xef2cx21 = siteUrl + '/feeds/posts/default/?start-index=' + _0xef2cx1c;
_0xef2cx21 += '&max-results=' + postsperpage;
_0xef2cx21 += '&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showpageposts';
var _0xef2cx22 = document['createElement']('script');
_0xef2cx22['setAttribute']('type', 'text/javascript');
_0xef2cx22['setAttribute']('src', _0xef2cx21);
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firstPage = 1;
actualpage = _0xef2cx20;
function removerscript() {
var _0xef2cx24 = document['getElementById']('TEMPORAL');
var _0xef2cx25 = _0xef2cx24['parentNode'];
onload = function () {
document['write']('<div id="toc-outer">');
document['write']('<div id="results"></div>');
document['write']('<div id="itempager" style="position:relative;"><div id="halaman"></div>');
document['write']('<div id="totalposts"></div></div></div>');
NB: Ganti yang tulisan yang berwarna Merah dengan URL Blog Sobat~ Semoga Bermanfaat Bro~
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11 komentar
Write komentarwah boleh juga nih mas :)
Replyhaha Oke mas :-bd
ReplyThank's sudah berkunjung~
mantap kang, sekarang template responsive lagi trend..
Replyiya nih , karna enak dipandang mungkin yah ..
ReplyThank's dah berkunjung~ :-bd
ijin di sedot gan buat pembelajara... makasih...
ReplyMonggo Om~ :-bd
ReplyThank's dah berkunjung~
sama-sama :D
Replymaaf gan dari kemaren2 baru bisa singgah diblog keren inil....
Replyterimakasih gan templatenya keren saya izin untuk memplajari dalemnya gan.... :-d
Oke Gan terima kasih atas kunjungannya :-d
Replywah thanks ya gan :)
ReplySama-sama Gan , Thank's dah berkunjung :-d
ReplyGunakan Fasilitas berkomentar di bawah ini sesuai keperluan
1. [img]URL GAMBAR[/img]
2. [youtube]URL VIDEO[/youtube]
3. [code]KODE ANDA[/code]
4. [pre]KODE ANDA[/pre]
5. [blockquote]KATA KATA ANDA[/blockquote]
6. Emoticon ready...
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon